
Friday 14 October 2016

Japanese warships despite Dutch neutrality active in the Dutch East Indies according to the Dutch newspaper Soerabaijasch handelsblad dated 30 December 1904

An item dated Djokja, Dutch East Indies 30th reported that on Wednesday morning a tiding from Tjilatjap, Dutch East Indies was received reporting that two warships were sighted underway towards the harbour. The local population was shocked but still gathered and anxious waiting for what was going to happen. After 7 hours went both ships towards the west without showing their flags. It was suspected that it were the Japanese Nippon Maru and Hongkong Maru sent forward for reconnaissance purposes. Part of the Dutch garrison was in the meantime west of the Schildpadden-eiland camped.(1)

1. The Russo-Japanese war between 8 February 1904-5 September 1905.